Ragdolls are known for their placid temperament and affectionate nature,and they truly is good with people and child. At Roselenni Rags,we try our best to provide every ragdoll angel a pleasant and healthy environment to grow and live and wish all kittens can go to families that treasure them. For the welfare and protection of every kitten and cat at our cattery,we have strict and non-negotiable rules that needs your attention and consent. Please read it carefully before making further moves towards adopting a kitten from us. These rules are as well included as conditions of sale in the kitten contract that may need you to sign before adoption.
Completely Indoor Raising. Ragdolls is not a species that can defend themselves well in the outside world so we do recommand!!! That means no free running, if you really want to take them to go for a walk, a leash and your careful supervision is needed, please don't ever let your kitten doll out of your sight while playing in the outside world.
No Caging. As for us,we care for every one of our adults and kittens so very much, devote a lot of time and effort to breeding as well as raising them, giving all we can to provide a better living environment for them, developing a positive and healthy charater for them. We prefer to find our kittens new families that love and cherish them, not just let them live in a cage for a long period time.
Absolutely No Declawing!! Cats has a nature to climb and grind, some people may consider it a great danger to their furnitures, but this actually can be minimized by investing in proper scratching boards or a cat tree and show them where to grind and climb, and clipping their nails regularly. Please understand this is just a nature for them not an intended move to destroy your beloved curtains or sofas. Declawing is an extremely cruel surgery for cats, each nail will be rip off from their pinky little paws, if you ever experienced accidentally hit by a hammer on your finger you can understand how painful it is and this is only a hit not ripping off nails. We cannot tolerate it to see any of our baby dolls go through such painful and unnecessary surgery.